…we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures 497:24)

First Church of Christ Scientist, Aurora, Colorado has been serving and healing the community for over 70 years.
The Christian Science Aurora church lovingly welcomes all to join us for Sunday Services at 10am, Wednesday Testimony meetings at 7pm, and church events. Children of all ages are warmly invited to Sunday School at the same time as the church service.
Christian Science Church Aurora – Home
Sunday Service
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Testimony Meeting
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Sunday Service
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Testimony Meeting
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Sunday Service
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Testimony Meeting
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Sunday Service
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Testimony Meeting
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Sunday Service
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Testimony Meeting
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Sunday Service
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015
Testimony Meeting
15700 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015